The importance of local communities to Iren Group is confirmed in the Business Plan to 2025, which reserves a significant part of its investments for local development, generating an important wave of growth for the local economies, with positive social, economic and environmental impacts. Furthermore, 61% of the investments envisaged in the Plan are for sustainability initiatives.
Projects of Iren Local Committees
The Group’s sustainable development strategy is also managed through the Local Committees. These are bodies which have been established to strengthen relationships with the local areas, analyse them and anticipate needs, encourage innovative environmental and social initiatives, increase widespread awareness of strategies and services offered, guaranteeing broad representation of the various realities of civil society and engaging Iren Group top management in dialogue with its stakeholders. The Committees are also a working tool to collect, through the participatory planning platform, the ideas and proposals of residents to design new sustainable development solutions, enhancing the experience, knowledge and skills of local communities to create shared value and generate growth for the Group and for the areas in which it operates.
The Committees are made up of 15-18 members, the representatives of Local Bodies and Associations, who offer voluntary and free participation. In addition to these, there are five members by right: a representative of the municipal capital, a representative of the provincial municipalities, a representative of the local university, the Iren Deputy Chairperson and the Chairperson, as a permanent guest.
Through specific internal working groups, each Committee oversees the activities for the best implementation of the projects, proposed by the Committees themselves or by citizens via
In 2020, 27 projects were incubated by the Committees of Genoa, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia and Turin, 12 of which were already completed during the year, and the others are in the development phase and concerning environmental, social and educational issues. At the end of 2020 the Local Committees have completed a total of 53 projects available at Below are details of the 12 projects completed in 2020.
Projects created in 2020
Parma City Camp 2020 (CSV Emilia)
Local Committee: Parma
The project provided significant support to families in managing their children and the gradual resumption of their socialization in the summer period post lockdown brought about by the Covid-19 emergency. Therefore, 26 summer camps were activated in Parma, Collecchio and Salsomaggiore to bring culture, environmental awareness and solidarity to children and girls, following the topics of the Agenda 2030. The project involved 40 third sector organisations and 100 volunteers, who guided 180 children and young people between the ages of 6 and 14 to the most representative cultural sites in the area.
Riparchiamo (UISP Reggio Emilia)
Local Committee: Reggio Emilia
Outdoor motor activity workshops for the resumption of sociability and healthy lifestyles were the ingredients of the project, aimed at residents in six city districts affected by problems related to the care of the environment and green areas, inadequate waste sorting and cleaning of common areas. Motor activities were then combined with civic and environmental education. The activities took place until the end of September 2020 and involved children and young people from 6 to 17 years old, also with the involvement of the territorial social services of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia, Acer, Uisp technicians, ARCI circles, Ausl, Areas of Prevention and LILT for joint programming.
eXnovo fragole - frutti del lavoro dal carcere di Pianceza [eXnovo strawberry: fruits of labour of Piacenza prison] (Soc. coop. L’Orto Botanico)
Local Committee: Piacenza
Social and sustainable agriculture is the aim of the project that, through the farming of strawberries inside the prison of Piacenza, offers work opportunities to inmates, close to release, allowing them to learn a trade, obtain an income and be accompanied, through work, in a path of social and moral rehabilitation, re-education to legality and responsibility. Thanks to the project, six inmates work inside the Casa Circondariale, with regular employment, while another two people have obtained social foster care. The sustainability of agriculture practices is based on cutting-edge technologies and more efficient farming techniques, thanks to the contribution of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart – Piacenza branch which, together with the agronomic consultancy company Geoponica, has produced scientific research comparing field and non-field agricultural activities and a protocol of good practices available on the platform.
Celocelo Food (San Salvario Local Development Agency – Non-Profit Organisation)
Local Committee: Turin
Celocelo Food has introduced a system for the recovery of surplus food donated by small businesses in the food sector; thanks to the platform surplus food is intercepted and redistributed to a comprehensive and flexible network of non-profit organisations that provide food support to people in economic difficulty: canteens, night shelters, accommodation facilities, etc. The activity has also made it possible to raise awareness among businesses and citizens on reducing food waste and donating surplus food.
Via Ferro Multi-purpose Centre (S. Egidio Community – Genoa)
Local Committee: Genoa
The project saw the renovation of a building intended for support activities for the vulnerable sections of the population, such as social canteen, collection deposit, distribution of blankets, jackets and shoes. In addition to the renovation work, the number of donor companies has been expanded to increase the quantity and differentiate the genres to be made available to families in difficulty and the creation of events in collaboration with retailers and/or production facilities.
Pensa che Mensa [What a canteen] (Slowfood Piacenza)
Local Committee: Piacenza
The school canteen is an important educational and convivial occasion to develop food education, sustainable and conscious consumption and the fight against food waste. On these issues a mapping of school canteens in the province of Piacenza has been drawn up, to establish guidelines for assessing their sustainability criteria, areas of criticality and areas for improvement. The mapping has provided the basis for developing the “Vademecum per la mensa buona e giusta” [Handbook for a Good and Fair Canteen], which can support all actors in school catering.
Un Chiosco per Orti Generali [A kiosk for general gardens] (Associazione Coefficiente Clorofilla)
Local Committee: Turin
The project, selected by the 2019 AmbientAzioni Competition in Turin, has made it possible to redevelop the Farmhouse located in the Parco Piemonte in the Mirafiori Sud district, achieving energy autonomy and recovering it for recreational use, creating a participatory worksite to enhance the work of volunteers and disadvantaged people and raise awareness among the townspeople about Sustainable Development issues. The project is a valid example of collaboration between associations, institutions and citizens to protect and improve shared assets.
Green Generation (Human Sciences College – Polo Mattei di Fiorenzuola)
Local Committee: Piacenza
Teachers and students developed a calendar made of recycled paper on the topic of energy-saving, illustrating green behaviour to promote or non-green behaviour to combat. The project’s beneficiaries were the students and their families, sensitised to practice small daily gestures to witness a real “Green Revolution”. Associations and organisations in the area have supported the dissemination of the calendar to promote green awareness in the community.
Volo con te [I am flying with you] (Bet She Can Foundation)
Local Committee: Turin
Starting from the book-project “Volo con te” (I’m flying with you), a path has been set up for girls and boys aged between 7 and 11, aimed at self-awareness and self-discovery, questioning labels and stereotypes. This story about a quest to find a friend allows us to discover the strength of friendship between two girls, the beauty and richness of diversity and how experiences, travel and debate can remove the “labels” that condition our life, and lead to the discovery of who someone is and who they want to become. The project involved 2,500 people (children, teachers, families), 10 primary schools in 5 municipal or associative spaces in Turin.
Un ponte tra Genova e l’Africa Sub Sahariana [A bridge between Genoa and Sub-Saharan Africa] (SPeRA Consortium)
Local Committee: Genoa
Cultural, social and gastronomic/food exchange for creating a bridge between Genoa and Sub-Saharan Africa, in a sort of twinning between African and Genoese schools, through a creative workshop. Graphical works, messages and the use of social media drive the narration of the food and cultural habits of the Italian and African students, creating a diagram which shows the typical day of a student in each country expressed through food.
Fatti i fatti tuoi – Rendi l’ambiente digitale più sostenibile [Mind your business – Making the digital environment more sustainable] (Fact Checkers in Genoa)
Local Committee: Genoa
An educational project about use of information that familiarised young people with the principles of digital fact checking and analysing content accuracy. The workshops held at the Teglia and Bertani Comprehensive Institutes for eighth graders used an interactive guide and a series of other free tools available on the web as teaching materials.
Sentiero dei Ducati (CAI Reggio Emilia)
Local Committee: Reggio Emilia
The project has supported the recovery and relaunch of the Sentiero dei Ducati, immersed in nature along the Enza river valley, to make it an instrument for the sustainable development of the territories it crosses to promoting its knowledge at a local, national and international level. The project has created a dedicated website, complete with maps and digital guides, which enhances the value of the route within the context of historical and nature trails of regional interest.
Projects in development in 2020
Plastic on the road (Associazione CISV Fraternità)
Local Committee: Turin
Awareness-raising and education to save resources and waste are at the heart of this project, one of the selected within the framework of the 2020 AmbientAzioni Competition of Turin, which consists in the construction/purchase (in collaboration with local realities expert in the construction and implementation of equipment for demonstration purposes) of machinery for the creative recycling of plastic for the creation of new objects, through the use of unused materials. Aimed mainly at young people, the project is characterised by a workshop and itinerant approach, with a connotation that promotes active citizenship, allowing young people to see first-hand how unused plastic materials can be fragmented, melted in special moulds and transformed into new valuable objects.
The river box for fluid teaching
Local Committee: Turin
In the era of distancing imposed by Covid-19, a didactic proposal sees the possibility of seeking an experiential way of teaching, using innovative educational tools in which creativity and learning are stimulated. Through this educational proposal, students of all school levels are made aware of issues of global importance, such as the responsible use of water resources, climate change and the monitoring of river quality. The project is one of the three selected in the framework of the 2020 AmbientAzioni Competition in Turin.
Lead Nature (AIESEC Torino)
Local Committee: Turin
The project, which involves AIESEC Torino, Legambiente, international volunteers and nationals, is developed through actions that aim to support organisations and associations that are committed to environmental sustainability and climate change (Sustainable Development Goal 13 of the 2030 Agenda), working with international volunteers to educate and raise awareness among citizens on environmental topics and the reduction of impacts in the local areas. Lead Nature develops over two years through 2 implementation groups for each year in which a total of 40 international volunteers are involved. A pilot project that can be replicated in other regional contexts.
Acque Chiare (Pro Natura Reggio Emilia)
Local Committee: Reggio Emilia
The project aims to produce systematic cataloguing and localisation of the humid zones present in the hills of Reggio Emilia, filling a gap in the knowledge of the provincial naturalistic heritage and providing the territorial management bodies with an important tool to help them in their activities of planning and safeguarding the local areas. The project foresees a cataloguing campaign of about a hundred wetlands of naturalistic interest, for each of which a detailed file is produced.
EcoISII (Marconi Institute of Higher Education)
Local Committee: Piacenza
Creation of a greenhouse inside the school aimed at purifying the air in a part of the school complex, planting plants suitable for the purpose. The project stems from the need to improve school life, starting from the basics, the air we breathe, to make the school environment more liveable. Pedestals will be installed near the greenhouse on which the project, its functionality and the benefits it brings to the environment will be narrated. Group work will also be organised so that the children can actively participate in setting up the greenhouse.
Da Rifiuto a Risorsa [From Waste to Resource] (“Raineri Marcora” Technical Institute)
Local Committee: Piacenza
Presented by five classes of the Professional Institute of Cortemaggiore led by some teachers, it is closely linked to conservation and enhancement of the environment and active global citizenship. The project will mainly consist of two meaningful activities: the production of compost and the farming of strawberries in greenhouses. The production distribution will take place on-site or delivered directly to the homes of applicants who cannot attend. (CNA Reggio Emilia)
Local Committee: Reggio Emilia
It represents a response to the many critical issues and new needs emerging from the Covid-19 emergency to better target support to old and new fragilities. The activities include the activation of concierge service in Reggio Emilia, in the “Polveriera” area, to accompany and support the residents of the neighbourhood in the knowledge and use of proximity services and the support of a digital platform. The creation of a network of professionals for the provision of proximity services and the activation of training courses aim to respond to the needs of the community, particularly the most vulnerable inhabitants. The project can be replicated and transferred to other neighbourhoods starting from the neighbouring ones, pivoting on reference “social centres”.
Community garden (Orti Generali APS)
Local Committee: Turin
Management of a 250 sqm vegetable garden in Turin with a view to social inclusion, combating poverty, environmental education, focusing on the relationship between disadvantaged and disabled people, volunteers, students and families. The activity involves the innovative management of the seedbed of the community garden, food support via the supply of garden products to residents of the neighbourhood in economic difficulty, environmental education, and the acquisition of skills in nursery gardening by the participants. The project is completed by implementing an educational activity for students of primary and secondary schools in the area.
Consolidation and development of social and health transport (Associazione Giovani Amici Uniti Genova)
Local Committee: Genoa
To strengthen the assistance and transport service for non-self-sufficient or partially self-sufficient older people living in Genoa, with particular attention to the area of the Municipality 4 Media Valbisagno, in order to improve their quality of life and increase moments of integration and socialisation. The project involves purchasing a zero-emission electric car to consolidate and develop these services with a view to environmental sustainability.
Siamo in ascolto (Association of Protection of Older People’s Rights in La Spezia)
Local Committee: Genoa
To create in La Spezia a qualified listening centre, a friendly phone, to help older people to find themselves among the meshes of bureaucracy, and to give social security and material help. Also through the support of a psychologist, it is intended to provide a point of reference and cultural mediation on how to deal with the emergency from Covid-19; a way to share their emotions to reduce the feeling of isolation, benefiting from the comparison. The ten volunteers involved in the project are trained in the current emergency and, of course, have personal safety equipment.
The elderly in Valpolcevera between the collapse of Morandi Bridge and Covid-19 (Association of Protection of Older People’s Rights in Genoa)
Local Committee: Genoa
To respond to the need of the elderly to have a point of reference in the emergency from Covid-19, managed by peers who can best give concrete feedback and suggestions. It is a help to the elderly population of Valpolcevera to find themselves between bureaucracy, social security and health, through the contribution of some volunteers trained for the purpose.
Very Informal People of Neighbourhood (CSV Emilia in Parma)
Local Committee: Parma
The creation of a proximity network that can support those who in a period of their life need help for economic reasons, health, loneliness or temporary dependence on others. The proximity network consists of several people with different skills who, voluntarily, can provide support and help to those most in need. The subjects involved are therefore shopkeepers (who will be offered a package of hours of individual coaching and a package of hours of group training to develop skills and competencies that will help them in their function of “sentinel” in the neighbourhood), craftsmen, traders and cooperatives (who will be able to make a certain number of goods and services available free of charge or at a reduced price, depending on the case) and entrepreneurs (who will promote ways of corporate volunteering to involve employees in actions of co-responsibility concerning vulnerable residents).
Cafè Alzheimer “Il Piccolo Principe” (Associazione Nuovo CIEP)
Local Committee: Genoa
The project intends to focus on a problem that is increasingly widespread among the elderly population and that inevitably involves the entire family unit critically and essentially: Alzheimer’s and cognitive disorders in the geriatric environment. Cafe’ Alzheimer “Il Piccolo Principe” is a place in Genoa where volunteers and workshop leaders alternate for socialisation, art, creativity and activities to maintain the residual attentional, cognitive and motor skills and support activities for patients and their caregivers. In particular, the project aims to differentiate and better qualify the type of workshop interventions to support users and acquire new instrumental resources, materials and specific aids to support the elderly participants.
Luce su Ponte Carrega (Associazione Amici di Ponte Carrega)
Local Committee: Genoa
The project focuses on the beauty and enhancement of a historic building in the Bisagno Valley, located right in front of the historic Officine del Gas Iren in Gavette. The idea is to install five lighting poles, replicas of historic poles from the 1920s, equipped with the latest generation of LED lighting in place of those present today, to create beauty and environmental sustainability through new green technologies.
118 Emergency Service in Northern Madagascar (NEXT Onlus – NGO)
Local Committee: Genoa
Creation of rescue and medical service network in Diego Suarez, in the North of Madagascar, with the advice and experience of the Regional Department of the Ligurian 118 Emergency Service, in the NEXT Health Centre, the only medical-health facility on-site that offers free of charge services to indigent people. The project includes a training calendar dedicated to local doctors, which can also be used remotely in collaboration with the e-learning service of the University of Genoa and Liguria Digitale and the Gaslini Paediatric Institute of Genoa.
Other initiatives of local committees
AmbientAzioni Competition. 2020, the second edition of the Turin AmbientAzioni Competition was launched, aimed at a target of young people between 18 and 26 years old, with the object of designing tools, actions and initiatives for saving energy and water resources, reducing waste production, reducing CO2 production and mitigating and adapting to climate change. Participants were asked to propose innovative designs replicable in other contexts, with 112 2020 Sustainability Report demonstrable economic and social benefits for the community, and to develop project ideas that could help mitigate the adverse effects of the Covid-19 emergency, with a particular appreciation for initiatives and actions that can be carried out online.
During 2020, the Local Committees refined and elaborated guidelines for incubating projects, which can be consulted on the platform, with the dual purpose of guiding proponents in the preparation of projects consistent with the objectives and guidelines of the Local Committees and guiding the discussion during the evaluation of projects to guide their selection.
The Iren Local Committees have also been a place for in-depth analysis and discussion between Iren Group and its stakeholders on matters such as the assessment of relevant topics for the materiality analysis, the 2019 Sustainability Report, the Iren Business Plan to 2025, the actions taken by Iren Group for the Covid-19 emergency, the presentation of the activities of Iren Smart Solutions and the Environment Division of the Unieco Group. Finally, 2020 marked the renewal of the three-year mandate of the Piacenza Local Committee.
Initiatives for communities and local areas
Despite the situation generated by the Covid-19 pandemic, which in 2020 marked the course of activities, Iren has carried out and contributed to the realisation of some critical environmental, social and cultural projects, some of which have had a significant impact on the areas where they took place.
Cultural projects
Libri in Agenda [Books on the Agenda]
A project by Asvis with the support of Iren and the advice of Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino [Turin International Book Fair], to tell the story of sustainability in a new way: a format that dedicates a book to each of the 17 goals of sustainable development, told through the voice of authors who participate in and promote the culture of change. The videos were streamed on Asvis and the Book Fair’s digital and social channels.
Iren mecenate (Iren for culture)
Iren shares the deep values of culture and their importance in the development of local areas. For this reason, many of the main theatres in northern Italy: Teatro Regio Foundation in Turin, I Teatri di Reggio Emilia Foundation, Teatro Carlo Felice in Genoa and Teatri di Piacenza Foundation. Iren has also always supported the Teatro Regio in Parma and for several years now the Teatro Nazionale in Genoa and the Teatro degli Impavidi in Sarzana.
Parma 2020+21
Iren has been alongside the great cultural programme of local development that the Emilian city has drawn up as the Italian Capital of Culture. Due to the pandemic, this programme has been extended by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities to 2021.
Nice – Network for International Circus Excellence
Iren supported the project of the Cirko Vertigo Foundation, which was among the first to understand the need to create and develop a multimedia platform NICE, dedicated to contemporary circus and intended for the use of content in smart mode, accessible to all audiences, as an answer to the limitations due to Covid-19.
National Innovation Award
Iren strongly believes in the strategic role of innovation and research in the Italian industrial panorama. This is why it supported the National Innovation Award in 2020, believing that the development and growth of its business can only benefit from the comparison and collaboration with innovative, ambitious start-ups, supported by solid business projects. Still in the field of innovation, Iren also supported the regional “Start Cup” held in Emilia-Romagna.
Social projects
Santa Claus “in Forma”
Iren supported the event “Santa Claus in Forma”, the usual Christmas event that sees the participation of thousands of people dressed as Santa Claus, promoted by FORMA, the Foundation of the “Regina Margherita” Hospital, which this year took different forms, having to avoid crowds, including the projection by Iren of the Foundation’s logo on the Mole Antonelliana to remind everyone of the valuable role that Forma Onlus plays in the health of children.
Natale Solidale [Solidarity Christmas]
Iren supported the Natale Solidale project of the Municipality of Turin to protect people and households in a situation of personal, social and economic fragility. A networking initiative that has set itself the goal of joining forces and addressing the many requests of individuals and families experiencing a particularly critical moment in their lives.
Pact for recovery
Iren contributed to the initiative of the Municipality of Vercelli in favour of the traders economically affected by the Covid-19 emergency.
LGBT Turin Pride Coordination
Iren supported the candidacy of Turin, which was then obtained, to host the EPOA Annual General Meeting in 2021, the largest annual assembly of the European Pride Organizers Association (EPOA), the network that involves the leading European organisations in the field of Pride organisation.
Iren for sports
Thanks to the support of Iren Group, many sports clubs have been able to continue their activities in 2020, often in a remote way. Despite the health emergency, national championships in water polo, basketball, American football and rhythmic gymnastics were held.
Environmental projects
Sustainable Mobility
Iren Group has launched, in collaboration with the National Association of Italian Municipalities, the “Progetto Tandem. Bici in Comune” project with the aim to highlight good circular economy practices, environmental sustainability and alternative mobility carried out or being carried out by small municipalities (under 3,000 inhabitants). Over 140 applications were submitted, and 50 winning administrations received 2 IrenGO bikes to recognise their role as drivers of sustainable development.
In 2020, Iren supported Vento Bici Tour, the collective pedalling along the route of the future cycling backbone from Turin to Venice along the Po river. For the 10th birthday of the initiative, Vento and Iren have prepared a project to tell the story of the area: 10 videos to illuminate the beauty hidden along with the Vento: churches, museums, parks, food, rural architecture, historical buildings, remediation works... an immense heritage waiting to be discovered and enhanced.
The Group was one of the winners of the call for expressions of interest published by the City of Turin for the installation of public recharging infrastructures for electric vehicles and is also proceeding rapidly with the installation of recharging units inside its company premises to service the electric vehicles in its fleet (see page 82 of the “Sustainability Report”).
Energy efficiency, artistic and public street lighting
In 2020, the Group had completed the energy requalification works of the Teatro Regio in Turin and had realised in the city the usual artistic lighting of three bridges on the Po river and the Mole Antonelliana on the occasion of Christmas; moreover, the Group has made available its know-how and has proceeded, on behalf of the city, to the improvement of the artistic lighting of Piazza Castello and Piazza Statuto, which also produces an essential result in terms of energy saving.
The year also saw the completion of the “Led per Torino” project, which provided for the replacement of public lighting lamps, traffic light lanterns, and traffic light intersection control centres with new-generation LED fixtures, again with significant benefits in terms of reducing energy consumption.
Lastly, the “Vercelli a LED” project continued for the lighting requalification of a portion of the Vercelli municipal area by replacing obsolete and non-performing lighting fixtures and installing intelligent pedestrian crossings. The project won a special mention in the “intelligent public lighting” category at the 21st edition of the Ecohitech Award.
In the province of Reggio Emilia (Brescello and Fabbrico), two new Public Water distributors have been activated, with a campaign to sensitise the population to the consumption of mains water. At the end of 2020, 76 public water dispensers were active in the Emilia area.
The Group has also designed nine new mobile structures to distribute mains water at trade fairs, events, and exhibitions in the Emilia-Romagna region. In Sestri Levante, an awareness campaign on the use of mains water was carried out for all the schools in the district.
Reduction of waste
The “RePoPP” project continued in Turin at the Porta Palazzo market, aiming to collect and redistribute fruit and vegetable products that can still be used through awareness-raising and education activities on the separate collection of organic waste. In February, 200 portions of soup prepared by Michelin-starred chef Davide Scabin with the surplus food collected at the Porta Palazzo market (76 kg of food) were distributed outside the Central Market. The project was presented as good practice at the Food Journalism Festival. In the autumn, the project was extended to 4 other markets: Corso Cincinnato, Via Porpora, Borgo Vittoria and Piazza Foroni and by the end of 2020, it had made it possible to collect and redistribute more than 250 tons of unsold food.
Sorted waste collection
Using various communication tools, the Group has devised and publicised campaigns to raise public awareness of the proper separate waste collection and the fight against waste abandonment.
In order to cope with the consequences of the health emergency, information campaigns have been promoted in all territories with the indications of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità to illustrate the rules of correct waste disposal, in particular for those who are positive, in isolation or quarantine, and to discourage the dispersion of disposable gloves and masks in the environment.
In the Emilia area, the main initiatives concerned:
- implementation of the door-to-door waste collection system in the Municipalities of Scandiano and Rolo (RE) and Sarmato (PC), supported by information activities for residents, and of the punctual pricing in the Municipalities of Quattro Castella and Albinea (RE);
- activation of the reward system in the Toano (RE) Collection Centre with the use of the health card to confer certain types of waste and obtain points that generate discounts on the waste tariff;
- communication campaign to support the introduction of the TARI in the Municipalities of Collecchio and Traversetolo (PR);
- communication campaign to support the start of the joint collection of plastic and cans in the Piacenza Municipalities of Sarmato, Besenzone, Monticelli d’Ongina, Castelvetro Piacentino, Villanova sull’Arda and Coli;
- the organisation in the Municipality of Rio Saliceti (RE), in collaboration with Legambiente, of an event in the square to make residents aware of the collection of used vegetable oil and positioning in the Municipality of Castelnuovo Sotto (RE) of containers for the street collection of used vegetable oil;
- communication campaign in the province of Reggio Emilia on the occasion of the annual reactivation of the Giro Verde (home collection of clippings and prunings);
- communication campaign in the Municipal Swimming Pool “Aquatico” in Reggio Emilia with ad-hoc communication materials and containers for the correct separate collection of waste;
- social campaign and information materials on waste reduction and environmental sustainability created on the occasion of the “European Week for Waste Reduction”, in collaboration with the Municipality of Parma;
- the launch in Parma of projects for the collection of used clothes, exhausted oils and the introduction of an experimental collection of vegetable waste, the creation of videos and commercials on cycle paths, on the sweeping service and the development of the dog waste project in the dog areas;
- production in collaboration with AUSL of a leaflet to illustrate the methods of micro-collection of asbestos in the Municipalities of Sorbolo Mezzani, Montechiarugolo, Felino (PR).
The main initiatives in Piedmont concerned:
- information campaign supporting the installation of the “Smart Eco-Islands” in Turin, which replaced the roadside waste collection equipment with new containers that can only be used by residents using personal electronic cards. The campaign involved the creation of various communication tools, the organisation of distribution points for the delivery of electronic cards and the presence of operators near the new eco-islands to help residents use them correctly;
- communication campaign “Un vero supereroe non abbandona mai la sua mascherina” [A true superhero never abandons his mask], in collaboration with the City of Turin and GTT, to emphasise the need to confer correctly disposable masks and gloves;
- a language communication project (Arabic and French) dedicated to the foreign residents of Turin, enhancing the communication skills of the company’s employees of foreign origin, who carry out operational tasks daily;
- a communication campaign on collecting bulky waste to make the residents of Vercelli aware of correct behaviour and encourage the collection of bulky waste, especially during the summer period when abandonment is more frequent.
In the Ligurian areas, communication activities were carried out in several municipalities in the La Spezia area (Ameglia, Bolano, Carro, Framura, La Spezia, Luni, Pignone and Riomaggiore) following the acquisition of the collection service by the Group or the change in waste disposal method, to inform residents about the correct way to deliver waste, how to differentiate and how to identify waste correctly.
Environmental quality
Following a significant rehabilitation of underground utilities (sewer and gas network) in Vercelli, 4,500 m2 of the road surface was repaired using for the first time the green additive produced by I.BLU from the recovery of plastic waste, a high-performance, environmentally friendly and certified material that represents an example of circular economy.
The Group also provided technical support in the “Puliamo il Po” [Let’s clean the Po River] initiative, held in Polesine Zibello (PR), which involved the population and a unique communication campaign.
Gifts, donations and sponsorships
Iren Group focuses heavily on cultural, environmental and sports events with distinctive characteristics at a national level and which are rooted in the local tradition of the areas of reference. In 2020, Iren disbursed a total of 254 donations and sponsorships for more than 11,440,000 Euro – maintaining a significant commitment to the local areas in a year of great difficulties due to the pandemic –, which were directed towards some of the strategic pillars of the Business Plan to 2025 and the priority issues related to them.
Pillar | Topics | SDGs |
People | Diversity and inclusion |
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Development of local communities |
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Organic growth | Economic development and value for local areas |
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Sustainability | Circular economy: management, sorted waste collection and reuse of waste |
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Environmental education |
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Technological evolution and efficiency | Innovation and smart cities |
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Among the initiatives supported by Iren, 60 initiatives fall within the cultural sphere (24%), 59 within the sphere of entertainment (23%), 34 in sport (13%) and 101 in the sphere of sustainability (40%), making use, especially for culture, of the Art Bonus institute, which allows enjoying significant tax benefits in the form of tax credits.
In 2020, the Group confirmed its support for the Opera and Theatre Foundations of Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Genoa and Turin and for the main events in the area, including the National Innovation Award, Start Cup Emilia, the Palazzo Ducale Foundation (GE), the renovation of part of the Palazzo dei Musei Civici (RE), the Verdi Festival (PR), Parma City of Culture 2020-21, the Vercelli Medieval exhibition, the summer initiatives held in La Spezia.
As has been the case for a long time now, this year, Iren supported the Luci d’Artista project in Turin and, for the Christmas festivities, took care of the lighting in Genoa and Reggio Emilia, as well as supporting the lighting in some municipalities in the Province of Salerno. In addition, the Group has supported numerous community entertainment projects, encouraging them to take place online due to the pandemic.
There are also many initiatives linked to sustainability and its promotion towards the new generations, including the environmental projects of numerous Emilian municipalities, Vento Bici Tour 2020, the “Libri in Agenda” [Books on the Agenda] project in collaboration with ASVIS and the Turin International Book Fair, the 23rd edition of CinemAmbiente in Turin, the activities of the Remida Centre in Reggio Emilia and Giocampus in Parma.
So-called minor sports received particular attention with support for the seasons of some hockey, sledge hockey, American football, men’s and women’s basketball, water polo, cycling and wheelchair basketball teams.
Donations and sponsorhsips by area
Sustainability education
Eduiren is the educational sector of Iren Group, dedicated to the declination of sustainability at 360° and for everyone. A sector that thrives on direct contact with schools and other local stakeholders, through its training offerings and the joint planning of awareness-raising paths.
The Covid-19 emergency has, on the one hand, strengthened the Group’s conviction that educating for sustainability is a duty to build a better future for everyone and, on the other, has meant a radical change in perspective and strategy. The first immediate response was #iorestoacasaconeduiren, an online offer of educational material to explore the topics of water, energy and waste, an interactive digital path with information and games in Italian and English (“Sei eco-logico”[Are you Eco-logical]), a dedicated video library and quality offers promoted by the subjects that collaborate with Iren, such as the Reggio Children Foundation and ReMida who have shared their projects on the national website of MIUR, the MACA of Turin and the Città dei Bambini e dei Ragazzi educational amusement centre in Genoa.
Three videos have been produced for social media, the “Ecoconsigli di Eduiren” [Eduiren’s Eco-advice], with practical suggestions for maintaining eco-friendly behaviour, even in a difficult situation.
Faced with the complexity of the moment, the first objective was to maintain and strengthen relations with schools and the local areas, and for this reason Eduiren chose to make itself available to teachers to structure together moments of in-depth study aimed at facilitating the process of distance learning (DL). A help respectful of the particularity of every formative path and of the work that every single teacher was putting in field with their own class.
At the same time, the educational offerings in the catalogue were transformed into distance learning and the website was restructured to make it even more supportive for teachers, students and families. A new website intended not only for schools but a catalyst of tools and information, a “toolbox” for all those who want to deal with sustainability and the 2030 Agenda.
Lessons and online projects involved several institutes in all the areas where the Group operates. Concerning particular note are those with the Polytechnic University of Turin and the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Piacenza, which were developed through virtual visits to the Group’s plants.
Experimenting with distance learning and the new tools made available have also made it possible to broaden Eduiren’s intervention area and explore new topics with different audiences. We talked about web sustainability at Milano Digital Week 2020 and about the sustainability of sports events at the European Sports for Changes/Shaping Fair Cities Project.
A comparison was developed with Redooc, one of the leading Italian online training platforms on Green Education and Gamification, through a webinar dedicated to distance learning and the use of elements borrowed from games.
At 2020 Orientamenti in Genoa, topics such as the multicircle economy, the water cycle and the sustainability of a mobile phone were explored with hundreds of remotely connected students. With the project “Multisport ne’ Monti”, aimed at many schools in the Reggio Emilia Apennines, it was tested how to integrate information on sport with that on the services managed by Iren Group, transforming an empty swimming pool into an online classroom.
Wherever possible, the appointments that Eduiren has helped to spread in our country have been maintained with the new modalities; on the occasion of the World Fish Migration Day, the traditional visit to the mini-hydro plant of La Loggia (Turin) has been replaced by an educational video, made by the Centro Scienza Onlus of Turin. In contrast, the Remida Day of Reggio Emilia has been transferred online, with the enrichment of interventions of experts and athletes. For the Genoa Science Festival, the online edition of the new eco-musical “Un mare senza plastica” [A sea without plastic] was edited, produced in collaboration with the Amga Foundation and the Teatro dell’Ortica.
For Iren, educating for sustaianbility means maintaining a continuous dialogue with different audiences, building networks and innovationg methodologies and tools.
Started in 2019, the journey for redefining Eduiren and the educational approach in step with the new challenges touched on new matters that will develop in 2021 and new tools to tell the 2030 Agenda. Among these, the definition of a “culture of composting” to support the new reflection on the soil, which other subjects are also developing, which started with the “ComposTiamo” Exhibition, produced with the Museum of Agriculture and the Rural World of San Martino in Rio (RE), which goes to the roots of our ancient relationship with food and vegetable waste.
Among the new 2020 projects is “Libri in Agenda” [Books on the Agenda], developed during the Festival of Sustainable Development, in partnership with the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (AsviS) and the Turin International Book Fair, which saw the creation of 17 online meetings, each dedicated, through the choice of a book presented by an author, to an in-depth examination of one of the goals of the 2030 Agenda. A new and transversal format to tell the story of the commitments that everyone is called upon to make for sustainable development. A popular experiment that reached 146,870 people, with 18,000 unique views.
Eduiren: 71 sustainability education projects reaching 179,280 people.
The “Rifiuti Smarriti” [Lost Waste] national competition was a challenge to keep a reflection on waste alive, especially at such a complicated time. The competition, promoted together with Centro Scienza Onlus and launched on the occasion of the European Week for Waste Reduction, is aimed at schools and family groups to discover and regenerate what is no longer used, our “Lost Waste”. Rediscover, Regenerate, Redesign, Reuse: these are the four invitations to follow to participate in the competition that will end in 2021.
The relationship with schools in times of pandemic also took concrete form with the donation of IT tools to voluntary associations operating in Piedmont, Liguria and Emilia. The first batch of 200 computers, decommissioned by Iren Group but in perfect working order, has been made available to networks of associations which, in turn, are working to distribute them to schools or students who need support to give continuity to their teaching activities.
In 2020, Eduiren carried out 71 sustainability education projects. It reached 179,280 people, touching new and different audiences not only in the traditional reference areas, strengthening the relationship with residents and schools in a year marked by the effects of the distancing produced by the Covid-19 emergency.
Reducing impacts on the local areas and the communities
All of the Group’s activities are planned and carried out with an awareness of its responsibility towards the communities and local areas: producing wealth while protecting the environment and respecting the expectations of its stakeholders. In fact, the Group has developed performance monitoring tools such as environmental impact assessments, analytical controls, internal audits and legal compliance checks. At plants external acoustic emissions are monitored to ensure the absence of any noise pollution to the local population. Even the products and services offered, before being placed on the market, are subjected to quality checks and controls, also to protect the health and safety of customers. In the event of faults, the Group has adopted specific procedures, which allow prompt and effective communication about service outages and disruption caused to residents within the times provided by sector legislation. For activities within the electricity, gas, water and district heating sectors, the Group also complies with the guidelines specified by ARERA. In addition to managing compliance with legislation, Iren Group has developed regulations, internal requirements and procedures and adopted initiatives that mitigate impacts on the health and safety of the public arising from the activities carried out. The main activities of the Group that impact the communities and local areas are described below.
Production of electricity and heat. Iren actively strives to develop renewable and similar sources. The management of energy production activities are described in internal procedures and conducted in compliance with the law. Emissions are constantly monitored and controlled. Investments are being made constantly to optimise the energy efficiency of plants. Energy production plants are all equipped with control protocols, both in compliance with environmental legislation, as well as in accordance with the provisions of control bodies. The combined production of electricity and heat makes it possible to develop the district heating service in a logic of circular use of resources and reduce environmental impacts.
Waste collection and management. Iren Group manages waste across all stages: collection, selection, transport, treatment and disposal, contributing to the recovery of materials and energy production, thus reducing the use of non-renewable resources. The circular economy is at the heart of the Group’s waste management strategy. It is committed to increasing the percentage of separate waste collection, increasing the recovery of materials – particularly plastic, paper and wood – and the production of fuels from biodegradable waste at its plants.
Integrated water service. The Group constantly monitors network leaks that can cause significant water wastage and has defined specific objectives to reduce water withdrawals from the environment and network leaks. Network control, extension and maintenance interventions are completed with the aim of minimising inconvenience for residents. The high quality of the water supplied is guaranteed by the continuous analytical controls carried out, even beyond the legal requirements, on the entire water process: from the capturing sources to treatment, filtration and disinfection processes, and from accumulation and storage tanks to the various points of the distribution network. In its wastewater treatment activities, the Group strives to maintain the high operational standards of its plants in compliance with authorisations and to inform the local community concerning the functioning of the plants.
Gas distribution. The Group is committed to reducing the number of leaks through the gradual renewal of the network. The proper management of plants and gas networks, the use of appropriate resources and the use of suitable tools, together with continuous monitoring, are the main elements to ensure the safety of citizens, preventing potential impacts and accidents. These elements are subject to constant analysis and improvement measures in order to increase their effectiveness while respecting efficiency. Furthermore, in order to reduce disruption for local communities when sites are opened, residents, economic associations and Municipalities are involved in defining appropriate time frames.
Electricity distribution. In the management of electricity networks, one of the main objectives is the constant maintenance of plant service levels in compliance with the resolutions in force. To protect the health of residents, the Group takes steps to ensure compliance with electromagnetic field limits through specific measurements on all new substations built (see page 79 of the “Sustainability Report”).
Public street lighting. The factors that most impact the health and safety of residents are night-time light pollution, resulting from artificial light shining outside the designated areas (particularly towards the sky), and photobiological risk, linked to the possibility that looking directly at light sources can damage the human eye. These factors are monitored through the introduction of stringent building criteria in the technical and purchase specifications for lighting devices (percentage of light flow emitted by the lighting device less than or equal to 1% and absence of photobiological risk RG=0).
Construction sites management. When managing construction sites of scheduled activities with the potential to create inconvenience for the public, the Group works by agreeing with stakeholders on the schedules, times and operational means and identifying strategic periods throughout the year (e.g., during August), in order to minimise the impact on the public, with particular attention to disadvantaged groups and economic activities. Additionally, all the necessary measures are adopted to guarantee maximum site safety for residents, especially in cases of work carried out on roadside sites.
Construction of new plants. The construction of new plants is an opportunity for growth for the local area in the medium-long term, in addition to being a necessity for the development of Iren Group; thus, dialogue between Iren and its stakeholders is necessary, based on transparency and correctness of information. Before embarking on the authorisation process to build new plants or infrastructures, the Group considers it essential to conduct information meetings with local communities, explaining the project in detail and its impact on the local areas. The Conference of Services is an example of cooperation between Public Administrations, residents, businesses and local authorities, where dialogue with citizens and institutions is guaranteed. For major projects, the party appointed to issue the authorisation convenes the Conference of Services (made up of the various interested parties), which must give its opinion concerning the feasibility of the project, indicating the necessary conditions to obtain the agreements, opinions, concessions, authorisations, licences, clearances and consents required by the law. For the operation of certain types of production installations, which may generate significant environmental impacts, an IEA is necessary, an Integrated Environmental Authorisation, which verifies that the operation to be authorised has limited environmental impacts, in compliance with the conditions set by the European Union. During the construction of new plants, all executive and management aspects are evaluated, with particular attention to assessing the impacts generated by the presence of construction sites. Audits are carried out on the work of the businesses’ personnel for all contracted activities in compliance with the procedures adopted in the context of the Integrated System (Quality, Environment, Safety). In 2020, there were no transfers, not even temporary ones, of people following on from the construction of new plants.
In 2020, there were two accidents with repercussions on the local community in the Environment sector: two fires at waste treatment plants in the Turin area. Furthermore, 41 lawsuits were lost to the local community or citizens, for the total monetary amount of 15,273 Euro.
Management of emergencies
The Companies of Iren Group have procedures and practices that define:
- the organisation and coordination centres set up to address the emergency situations that could arise within the activities carried out by the Group;
- the management of information and relationships with the prefectures, civil defence, authorities, regions, provinces and municipalities, including their relative operation rooms.
This is to respond to potential accidents and alarm situations, which could occur after a natural disaster, explosions or fires and to prevent and mitigate the consequent damage to people and the environment.
All monitored sites and facilities have specific emergency plans covering the most likely emergency scenarios, including those with possible environmental impacts. Emergency personnel have been identified at each site and plant, who have been trained and are regularly updated. Annual evacuation tests are carried out involving all persons present, including visitors, customers and suppliers. The contingency plans of the main corporate districts identify an emergency manager and coordinator for each site. Upon entering the site, visitors are given a specific informative note containing the behavioural procedures to be followed. The company emergency plans are constantly updated in accordance with the guidelines shared by all Group Companies.
Emergency situations connected to possible environmental pollution during the operation of plants, or due to mechanical failure of instruments of control or measurement of chemical physical operating parameters, are managed in accordance with criteria of immediate intervention on the fault, by specialised personnel, 24/7, via request and call of on-call technicians. The action aimed at fixing the failures occurs in the minimum time needed to carry out works.
To facilitate access to information relative to any weather alerts, the company smartphones – which are provided to all employees – are loaded with an App that provides a direct link to the official weather alert sites in the regions where Iren Group operates. For employees who operate mainly in the outdoors, specific procedures have been established to define the operating guidelines to be observed in relation to the presence or otherwise of weather alerts.
Relations with Institutions
As also indicated in its Code of Ethics, Iren Group actively and fully cooperates with the Public Authorities, pursuing the objectives indicated by the relevant Public Institutions and effectively cooperates with the authorities/institutions responsible for regulating and supervising local public services. These are actions that the Group pursues, combining them with its mission and with the need for managerial and organisational autonomy shared by all economic operators.
Relations with Industry Authorities
In 2020, our constant discussion with local authorities and industry authorities focused on the following issues:
- implementation of the interventions provided for in the Area Plan aimed at improving the Integrated Water Service in Liguria (Genoa and La Spezia) and Emilia (Parma, Piacenza and Reggio Emilia) regions;
- districts division of the water network in Liguria and Emilia regions, with consequent monitoring and control of network leaks to progressively reduce them;
- works planned under the 2020-2023 Investment Plan of the Piedmont ATO 2 for the water service in the Vercelli area: updating and streamlining of the Vercelli water system with the construction of the new well field and the division into districts of the water network, water interconnections between Vercelli and neighbouring municipalities, a new well in the Municipality of Bianzè, replacement of obsolete and fibre-cement pipelines, updating and streamlining of sewage systems, updating and revamping of the Saluggia water treatment plant, connection of secondary water treatment plants to the main ones, and the energy efficiency of sewage pumping stations;
- bringing the wastewater treatment plants in the Genoa Metropolitan Area up to standard (completion of the Rapallo wastewater treatment plant, continuation of the authorisation process for the Sestri Levante and Chiavari wastewater treatment plants, construction of the wastewater treatment plant for the Municipalities of Arenzano, Cogoleto and Torriglia, awarding of the tender for the construction of the Genoa Central Area wastewater treatment plant) to fully comply with EEC Directive 91/271 on wastewater treatment;
- restoration and upgrading of sewage systems and wastewater treatment plants damaged by the 2018 sea storm on the Genoa coast;
- tariff method for the years 2020-2023 approved by ARERA for the integrated water service. Constant relations with the industry authorities and local authorities have made it possible to achieve a fair balance between tariff increases and the need for investment in the area, complying with the requirements of the regulations;
- the authorisation process, coordinated by the Province of Vercelli, of the plant for the transformation of the recovered wood into new final or semi-finished products;
- the authorisation process for the construction of a biodigestion plant for biodegradable waste in the province of La Spezia;
- operation of the 76 water dispensers that supply zero-kilometre water to thousands of residents in the provinces of Parma, Piacenza and Reggio Emilia and allow less plastic bottles to be used and, consequently, less waste to be produced;
- institutional visits to the reuse plant for irrigation purposes using water from the Mancasale treatment plant in Reggio Emilia, a leading facility in Italy in the sector, which enables the recovery of 4-5 million m3 of water resources during the irrigation season.
Trade associations of which the Group is a member
The comparison and collaboration on sustainability policies and to promote regulatory and technological updates are of great importance for Iren Group, which, in line with the objective of the United Nations 2030 Agenda to promote partnerships for sustainable development, adheres to various associations and networks at the national and international level.
UN Global Compact
United Nations Global Compact, born from the desire to promote a sustainable global economy: respectful of human and labour rights, environmental protection and the fight against corruption.
It is a voluntary initiative of application of a set of principles that promote the values of sustainability in the long run and a commitment, signed with the United Nations by the top managers of the participating companies, to contribute to a new phase of globalisation characterised by sustainability, international cooperation and partnership in a multi-stakeholder perspective.
Global Compact Network Italia Foundation
The Foundation was created with the primary purpose of contributing to the development of the United Nations Global Compact in Italy. Global Compact Network Italia works to: promote the 10 principles of the Global Compact and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), deepen the themes of sustainability and related fields within the general framework proposed by the Global Compact, assist and support companies and organisations in implementing the 10 principles of the Global Compact and the SDGs in their core business and in reporting on their sustainability performance.
A federation that brings together public service companies that operate in the public services of water, environment, electricity and gas sectors, acting as their representative at European and national Institutions. It was created from the merger between Federutility (water and energy services) and Federambiente (environmental services). It offers support and refresher and training courses, as well as consultancy on contractual, legislative, operational, tax and legal aspects.
Confservizi (at a national and regional level)
A trade union that represents, promotes and protects companies and bodies that manage public utility services such as water, gas, electricity, environmental health and local transport.
Confindustria (territorial branches of GE, PR, PC, RE SP, TO and VC Valsesia)
The leading organisation representing manufacturing and service companies within Italy that is tasked with contributing to the economic growth and social advancement of the country, alongside political institutions and economic, social and cultural organisations.
An association of Italian joint-stock companies. It works to improve industrial, commercial, administrative and tax legislation in Italy and represents the views of the companies within Italian, European and international institutions.
A national association of private water works companies that belong to Confindustria, which promotes solidarity and collaboration between its member companies, organises studies on topics of interest and acts as their representative with private and public authorities, organisations and administrations.
AIRU (Associazione Italiana Riscaldamento Urbano)
The Italian Urban Heating Association, which represents sector operators with the aim of promoting and disseminating plant engineering innovation and its application.
EHP – EuroHeat and Power
An international association that represents the district heating and cooling sector and cogeneration sector in Europe.
Elettricità Futura
The main Italian electrical association created from the merger between AssoRinnovabili and Assoelettrica. It represents and protects both big and small companies that operate within the electricity sector in Italy and counts over 700 operators with plants all over Italy.
Federazione Italiana per l’uso Razionale dell’Energia (FIRE)
A non-profit association active in the energy and environmental sector, in particular for: promoting good practices for energy efficiency, the use of renewable sources and sustainability; the analysis of topics linked to energy consumption and generation; participation in international projects aimed at the efficient use of energy and environmental resources; the certification of energy managers and ESCOs; training, information and study activities, and the development of new energy management tools.
Comitato Italiano Gas (CIG)
Non-profit organisation for the study of scientific and technical problems and the publication of technical regulatory documents for the combustible gas sector. The CIG draws up draft standards, specifications and technical reports, proposing them to the UNI for publication; is appointed by the UNI to participate in works by regulatory authorities (CEN and ISO); collaborates with the government, bodies and national, European and international associations; carries out training and information activities.
Sustainable Development Foundation
Reference point for the main sectors and protagonists of the green economy: the economy of sustainable development. It puts experience and knowledge at the service of companies and organisations that share a common path of sustainability and responsibility. It is focused on continuous updating, the dissemination of publications, studies and research, information and discussion meetings, the involvement of institutions and social forces, networks to promote the strategic topics of the green economy.
CSR Manager Network
Sustainability promotion and test centre that contributes actively to the diffusion of the culture of sustainability at national and international level. The network promotes the development of CSR skills and compares Italian and foreign best practices and is the representative board in dealings with politicians and governments, entrepreneurial and environmental associations, trade unions, NGOs and the voluntary sector.
Kyoto Club
A non-profit organisation made up of companies, bodies, associations, and local administrations committed to achieving the targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions set out in the Kyoto Protocol, the decisions taken at the EU level, and the 2015 Paris Agreement. As an interlocutor of public, national and European decision-makers and the UN Framework Agreement on Climate Change, Kyoto Club is committed to stimulating targeted and incisive proposals and policies in the energy-environmental sector.
Corporate Forum for Sustainable Finance
An international network of companies committed to supporting and developing sustainable finance as a tool to combat climate change and promote a more sustainable and responsible society.
Valore D
The first association of companies in Italy – 200 to date, for more than two million employees and an aggregate turnover of over 500 billion Euro – has been committed to gender balance and inclusive culture in organisations and our country for ten years.
Contributions to political parties and institutions
As established by the Code of Ethics “Iren does not pay contributions, either directly or indirectly nor in any form, to political parties, movements, committees and organisations or trade unions, or their representatives and candidates, except where owed in accordance with specific legislation”.
The Group has always collaborated with Institutions, also financially, for specific projects that are attributable to its mission and, in particular, for projects that contribute to the economic, social and environmental sustainability of the areas of reference. These collaborations, however, are always implemented on the basis of clear documentation for the use of resources.
Media relations
The Group manages a complex media relations activity at the national and local level, both concerning traditional media and new publishing realities in continuous growth in new media.
The press office deals with corporate, economic-financial, institutional and service aspects, sustainability issues, particularly during the second half of 2020, the rebranding, and the current go national strategy. Thanks to its policies and business characteristics, the Group has continued to play a significant role in the local and national press as a player in environmental, energy and water services management, innovation and sustainability.
Also, media relations activities supported the marketing communication initiatives of the Market Business Unit through detailed dialogue with the media.
Iren’s growth, accompanied by geographical expansion, has led to new and intense news-making activity to support, with an increasingly lively presence in the media, the development strategy on a national scale and the ambitious Business Plan of the Group.
At a local level, media relations activities have focused on matters related to dialogue with residents and environmental initiatives, customer relations, energy saving, water quality, water saving and the construction/presence of plants in the area.
Media relations help ensure a constant, timely and transparent flow of communication for all stakeholders and involves systematic relations with local and national journalists that are managed according to the principles of equal treatment, availability and transparency, in the awareness of the Group’s proximity to the local area and the needs of the communities. The Group’s Media Relations and Content Factory structure continuously monitors the media, including the online media, to ensure that management is constantly listening to public opinion, the financial community and the reference areas, which are fundamental elements in creating a communication strategy that is always proactive and attentive to the rapid changes in the business scenarios in which the Company operates.