When it comes to environmental protection and the rational use of natural resources, sustainable development has always been at the centre of Iren Group’s attention, both because of the nature of its business and because of the orientation of its mission and growth strategy.
This commitment is made clear in the Integrated System Policy, which is distributed and shared by all Group personnel and Companies, and made concrete by the Business Plan to 2025, which launched the concept of the “multicircle economy”, the long-term industrial vision focused on the Group’s multi-business approach, in which various activities contribute to the objective of responsible use of resources.
In pursuit of its mission and strategy, the Group has developed Environmental Management Systems such as ISO 14001, ISO 50001, UNI CEI 11352 certifications, F-GAS certification and EMAS registration. In addition to the involvement of personnel, through specific information and training activities, the Group has also developed tools to monitor performance, such as the environmental impact/aspects assessment, analytical checks, internal audits and controls to check legislative compliance, which also aim to monitor performance in terms of sustainability and environmental protection.