Iren stock performance on the Stock Exchange
During 2020, the FTSE Italia All-Share (the main index of the Italian Stock Exchange) fell by 5.6%. The share price has been affected by the difficult economic environment.
The first part of the year was, in fact, characterised by an unfavourable energy scenario, with low commodity prices, which deteriorated further following the Coronavirus emergency, the subsequent lockdown and expectations of a slow economic recovery, despite the recovery plans approved by Central Banks and Governments.
The difficult economic situation and the continuation, also in the fourth quarter, of the health emergency and of the consequent contrasting measures, had an effect on the share price trend, which was influenced by negative market expectations such as incurring extra costs linked to the emergency, the lower demand for products and services, and the slowdown in investments in various sectors.
In this context, the four multi-utilities underperformed the main FTSE Italia All Share index, particularly in the fourth quarter, due to the investment choices of market operators, who favoured other sectors, particularly those linked to digital technologies.
Performance of Iren stock compared to competitors
As at 30 December 2020, the last trading day in the year, the price of IREN stock stood at € 2.126 per share, down by 23.0% compared to the price at the beginning of the year, with average trading volumes exchanged during the period of approximately 2.12 million units. The average price in 2020 was € 2.30 per share.
It is noted that, before the spread of the epidemic, the lockdown measures at national level and the consequent reduction in share prices in the financial markets, Iren's share price had reached an all-time high (€ 3.10 per share) on 19 February 2020, bringing the Group's market capitalisation to over € 4 billion; the minimum for the period, i.e. € 1.77 per share, was recorded on 18 March.
The two charts below show the price performance and volumes traded in Iren stock in 2020.
Price performance
Volumes traded (milions of shares)
Share coverage
During the period the Iren Group was followed by nine brokers: Banca IMI, Banca Akros, Equita, Exane, Fidentiis, Intermonte, KeplerCheuvreux, Main First and Mediobanca.