Proposals relating to the Agenda items “Financial Statements as at 31 December 2020; Report on Operations, Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors and of the Independent Auditors” and “Proposal for allocation of the profit, relevant and ensuing deliberations”
Dear Shareholders,
- in relation to the above, we propose that you:
- approve the Financial statements of Iren S.p.A. at 31 December 2020 and the Director’s Report prepared by the Board of Directors;
- approve the proposed allocation of the profit for the year, € 210,063,019.55, as follows:
- € 10,503,150.98, 5% of the profit for the year, to the legal reserve;
- a maximum of € 123,588,480.82 as dividend to Shareholders, corresponding to € 0.095 for each of the maximum no. of 1,300,931,377 ordinary shares constituting the Company’s share capital, noting that treasury shares, if any, will not benefit from the dividend; the dividend will be paid starting from 23 June 2021, ex-dividend date 21 June 2021, and record date 22 June 2021;
- to a specific retained earnings reserve, the remaining amount of at least € 75,971,387.75.
Reggio Emilia, 25 March 2021
On behalf of the Board of Directors
Renato Boero