The right energy
The future is the meaning that we are able to give to energy today. We work hard to offer the territories we serve the energy needed today and essential for tomorrow. The very same energy that we have put into circulation even in a particularly challenging year like 2020.
Electricity, public lighting, heat: people and communities count on our work, whose value in turn increases when it proves to be a tool for collective growth. We carry the responsibility of being energy producers with pride: with over 73% of energy produced from renewable sources and from highly efficient cogeneration plants, we make our contribution to the energy transition, so that energy multiplies its forces and does not consume the available resources.
We believe that it is important to offer sustainable solutions fit for the future, such as the Turin district heating network – currently the largest in Italy.

2020 Highlights
During the course of 2020, the Energy sector, which includes energy production and heat management, public lighting and energy efficiency activities, generated revenues of €1,144.7 million.
Financial Report
Our chellenges
Energy efficiency, electrification and decarbonisation: the big trends currently driving the sector towards the energy transition.
During the course of 2020, we continued on our path towards this transition, in full harmony with global guidelines: a total of €172 million were invested in the energy sector, with a particular focus on the expansion of the Turbigo thermoelectric plant in Lombardy and, in general, on the development of the district heating network.
Between 2020 and 2025, our industrial plan envisages significant investments totalling €1,070 million, primarily aimed at enhancing the flexibility of plants, increasing energy efficiency and strengthening our leadership position in the district heating sector.