Sustainability is at the centre of the agenda of the Iren Group which, as well as taking it on as a pillar of strategic development, reports policies and performance on it with particular regard to environmental and social issues, to those relating to the personnel, to human rights, and to combating active and passive corruption.
These issues, together with others identified as priorities by the materiality analysis, carried out with the involvement of stakeholders, are reported and analysed in the Sustainability Report of the Iren Group, which also fulfils the function of Consolidated Non-Financial Statement (DNF) required by Legislative Decree 254/2016. A significant function that underlines how the strategic approach to social responsibility is becoming increasingly important in the long term for the competitiveness of companies, and that strengthens the Group's orientation both in terms of information transparency and in considering sustainability a strategic lever for growth.
The Industrial Plan to 2025, which confirms the strategy undertaken in previous years, renders concrete form to the Group's vision and mission and defines the following strategic lines: customers/citizens, growth, technological evolution and efficiency, sustainability, people, digitalisation. The commitments and targets defined in these areas represent Iren's contribution to the objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda and to the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact, and render the Sustainability Report/Non-financial Statement - to which reference is made pursuant to Legislative Decree 254/2016 - a tool for monitoring operations, economic, environmental and social impacts.
The document is prepared, under the coordination of the Corporate Social Responsibility and Local Committees Department, in compliance with the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Standard with the electricity industry Utility supplement – G4 Sector Disclosure, and is submitted for approval to the Board of Directors at the same time as the draft Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements.